A Spoonful of Sugar Indeed

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Everyone is aware of the dangers of consuming too much sugar, especially those containing fructose, obesity, coronary heart disease and even depression. But did you know that each additional serving of sugar-sweetened beverage per week increases your risk of gout by 4% and coronary heart disease by 17%? Yikes! The recommendation is to reduce the consumption of free sugars or added sugars to below 25g/day which translates into about 6 teaspoons of sugar daily. Per the FDA.gov website, the average daily value for added sugars based on a 2,000-calorie diet is 50 g/day; double the recommended amount.  

Sure, no one is going to change their lifestyle overnight, we all have “bad habits” and cravings, however, it might be worth looking at cutting back on some. For most of us, the main source of added sugars are sugar-sweetened beverages, baked goods, desserts, and sweets. But did you know that low-fat products often contain added sugar to enhance flavor? For example, a single cup of low-fat yogurt can contain over 45 grams of sugar (about 11 teaspoons). A few other products high in sugar include BBQ sauce, Ketchup, fruit juice, sports drinks. Granola and yep, that cup of Joe from Starbucks!  

Remember, added sugars aren’t a necessary part of your diet. Although small amounts are fine, they can cause your body harm if you consume large amounts on a regular basis. Stop, think, read labels, enjoy a treat here and there and work toward a healthier lifestyle! Stay well and stay informed! 

For more information:

17 Foods and Drinks That Are Surprisingly High in Sugar

Added Sugars on the New Nutrition Facts Label

Study: No More Than 6 Teaspoons of Added Sugar per Day

Image Credits:

Delauncey, Leo. dailymail.co.uk, 3 March 2015, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2993513/Pasta-sauce-sugar-Mars-bar-soup-sweet-cider-reveal-white-stuff-lurking-favourite-foods.html