Transitioning from hospital to nursing home (NH) can be a vulnerable time for patients. A recent study posted on the AHRQ website looked for potential associations between adverse events (AE) for nursing home residents following hospital discharge and nursing home characteristics (i.e., 5-star quality rating, ownership, bed size). Researchers found few associations with individual quality indicators and no association between the 5-star quality rating or composite quality score.
The study measured the association between adverse events developing in the 45 days following discharge back to long-term care and facility characteristics. Several quality indicators were associated with adverse events, the highest was the percentage of residents with depression and the percentage taking antipsychotic medications (18%-35%). The percentage of residents needing increased assistance with activities of daily living was statistically significant (13% to <20%)
In conclusion, adverse events during transitions between nursing homes and hospitals are not explained by the characteristics of the facilities or summary quality scores. Development of risk reduction approaches requires assessment of processes and quality beyond the current quality measures. So, although the characteristics of your center may not influence a adverse event, the process of transition can. Be sure you have systems in place to make a smooth transition, are able to meet the individual resident’s needs and have enough staff and equipment to provide appropriate care! Stay well, mask up indoors, and stay tuned!