Coronavirus and Households

Angie Szumlinski
December 30, 2020
Corona Virus - Microbiology And Virology Concept - 3d Rendering

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) which is spread via direct or indirect contact with infected people via infected respiratory droplets or saliva, fomites, and aerosols. Crowded indoor environments with sustained close contact and conversations, such as households, are a particularly high-risk setting. The World Health Organization China Joint Mission reported human-to-human transmission in China largely occurred within families, accounting for 78% to 85% of clusters in Guangdong and Sichuan provinces. The household secondary attack rate characterizes virus transmissibility.

The findings of this study suggest that households are and will continue to be important venues for transmission, even where community transmission is reduced. Prevention strategies, such as increased mask-wearing at home, improved ventilation, voluntary isolation at external facilities, and targeted antiviral prophylaxis should be further explored.

These are definitely difficult times, especially if a loved one is diagnosed with COVID-19 and comes home to “isolate” with the rest of the family. You can identify a private room and bathroom for the affected family member and maintain mask-wearing, etc. but the risk is still there. HealthCap has a tool on our COVID-19 website to assist in identifying ways to prevent the spread of infection in your home. Take a look and keep it handy; we never know who will be next to be infected!

Stay the course, stay strong, stay well, mask up, and stay tuned!

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