National Heart Month

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Just kidding, that’s in February but got your attention! Honestly, I laughed when I read a research paper published in the European Society of Cardiology. The researchers created a supermarket trolley set to help diagnose common heart rhythm disorders and prevent stroke. So, you go grocery shopping and as you push your cart the handle performs a heart check on …

No Pain No Gain

Angie SzumlinskiNews

We have all heard this, no pain, no gain, right? I for one avoid pain at all costs including avoiding the dentist! That being said, there may be more to this than I previously thought! I watch with amazement when athletes compete in high endurance activities such as marathon running, cross country running, tough mudders, etc. Then I sit back …

Artificial Sweeteners

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Remember the day when we used saccharine to sweeten our coffee or tea? Then researchers discovered that this additive can cause cancer and bam, off the market. I remember neighbors running out to stock up on diet soda before the stores removed it from the shelves. I wondered why someone would stock up on something that isn’t healthy. Well, these …

Wedded Bliss!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

I remember growing up, the magic of a beautiful wedding, the bride in a flowing white gown and veil taking her groom’s hand, smiling, happy, wedded bliss! Life couldn’t get much better than that, right? As the years moved on, the happy couple developed a daily routine, some days running parallel lives, others coming together to celebrate, grieve, or just …

Study After Study

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Did you ever wonder where scientists come up with the next topic for a “study?” Do you think that they lay awake at night and try to figure out what to study? Just curious because some of the studies I read, although interesting, have little relevance to my life in general. Not that studies aren’t important and not that researchers …

Now You’re Talking!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Finally, in my pursuit of happiness, a study supports my theory that red wine is a healthy form of liquid grapes! That’s right, a study published on (a highly respected resource) concluded that red wine has a beneficial effect on the gut mirobiome which MAY contribute to cardiovascular benefits.  A downside to this study is that red wine does …

Zebrafish – Who Knew!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

Researchers from Michigan State University identified that the “love hormone,” oxytocin does more than generate pleasurable feelings, it may also help heal damage following a cardiac event! Amazing, not only is it a love hormone but it can also mend a broken heart! The study was performed using Zebrafish as they have an extraordinary capacity for regenerating organs, including brain, …

Senior woman lifting weights


Angie SzumlinskiNews

Everyone knows the benefits of exercise, we read about it, listen to podcasts about it, hear the experts talk about it, but do we do it? Most of us do not, in fact only 54% of Americans get their 150 minutes of aerobic activity each week and even fewer, 24% squeeze in the two recommended strength workouts. Why? Because if …

Broken Heart

Angie SzumlinskiNews

I remember my grandma telling me that her brother “died of a broken heart,” shortly after losing his beloved wife of 40 years. As a child, I truly believed that my uncle’s heart broke into pieces inside his chest. It made me sad but as I got older, I realized that the heart is a muscle and doesn’t “break.” So, …

Do You Have A Big Heart?

Angie SzumlinskiNews

We have all heard the saying “she has such a big heart” (not to be confused with “bless your heart”)! In our well-meaning comment, we are usually referring to someone we know who goes above and beyond, practices random acts of kindness, and brings joy to everyone they meet. However, could having a big heart mean problems down the road? …