Close up of various colorful candy


Angie SzumlinskiNews

I knew I would get your attention! The use of medical marijuana is nothing new in this country, many people are able to manage pain, nausea, cancer treatments, etc. because of legalized medical marijuana. Fast forward and we now have legalized recreational marijuana in many states. You can purchase it at dispensaries around the country, you can smoke it, chew …

Obesity – More Than That!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

You are likely tired of my lectures about being fit, however, obesity continues to be a challenge for many Americans, and although we know the risks of being overweight, many people continue to struggle. Yes, weight management is difficult at best, and even when we run the risk of becoming diabetic, developing cardiovascular disease, damaging our weight bearing joints, etc. …


Angie SzumlinskiNews

Honestly, if you go by the weight charts and the BMI guidelines, almost everyone I know is “obese”. Sure, most everyone I know has a few extra pounds they carry around but obese? Surely not in my mind but I am not the expert. Some interesting research on the subject of obesity was conducted at the Center for Healthy Eating …

kids shoes standing on a scale


Angie SzumlinskiNews

As if the COVID-19 pandemic wasn’t enough, we chuckle about the COVID-19 weight gain and still mask up when we are in crowds. Now scientists have found that the virus attacks fat tissue (I prefer the term adipose tissue)! Seriously? What science has found is that not only does the virus attack fat cells, but it can also create an …

Benefits of Tai Chi

Angie SzumlinskiHealth, Studies

In an article in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers examined if there were benefits to Tai Chi or conventional exercise on central obesity in middle-aged and older adults. Hundreds of participants were assigned exercise interventions including aerobic exercise, strength training, and tai chi. What this study found was that Tai Chi was effective at reducing waist circumference in the …

Homemade Nutrition

Angie SzumlinskiHealth

The prevalence of nutrition-sensitive conditions such as obesity and type 2 diabetes has increased substantially in the US during the past 30 years. For decades, US policies to address hunger and food insecurity have focused largely on providing sufficient calories or quantities of food. However, effectively addressing the current diet-related challenges in the US will require a shift beyond these …

“Fat and Fit” in Doubt – Darn!

Angie SzumlinskiNews

The prevalence of overweight and obesity has reached pandemic proportions and people with these conditions present with an increased cardiometabolic risk. Some evidence suggests, however, that a high cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) might mitigate the detrimental effects of excess body weight on cardiometabolic health, termed the “fat but fit” paradox. In a recent study “fat but fit” identified that although physical …

Severe COVID-19 – Lower Your Risk

Angie SzumlinskiHealth, Studies

With the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infecting over 50 million people worldwide with hundreds of thousands experiencing severe respiratory illness, researchers have been trying to find the factors associated with severe disease. From the start of the pandemic in March this year, several studies have indicated heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, …